Peace. Humidity. Awe. Wonder. Delight. Flexibility.

Healing the Inner Child with Yoga-Water Practice
November 9, 2017
Blue Mind
April 9, 2019
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Peace. Humidity. Awe. Wonder. Delight. Flexibility.

These are just a few things that little time near the sea can teach us.

Water doesn’t worry or stop when it hits the shore, it just goes for it and bounces back when it needs to.

It doesn’t tremble in fear when it encounters an obstacle like our fleshy bodies, it simply just acknowledges our existence and moves around us. And as the rain pours down into the sea, we see nature at its most beautiful peak – as she carelessly dances in the rain.

The wind picks up, but she delights in the energy and waves starting crashing on the shore.

The sky may grey, the lightning may strike, the thunder may roll, but the sea doesn’t run for cover – she breaths in the raw beauty of all this energy and exhales it with love in full force.

Today, I will be more like the sea – I will appreciate the storms and the sunshine as they come, move around the hurdles that enter my path, and flow with all of the love in my heart.

Today, I am the sea.



Christelle Chopard was born in one of the most beautiful country in the world: Switzerland. Even that it is a privilege for her to be native from such a wonderful, harmonious, conscious place, she has been inspired to travel the world and explore many different cultures. Ms Chopard began to study and work professionally in holistic consulting, therapies, and self development in 1991. Since then, she explored many ways, and forms to support the wellbeing and evolution, in different cultures. She founded the DHARMI® Map & Institute for Holistic Development which is a synthesis of those approaches into a simple, yet profound and integrative program. At this time, Christelle Chopard is based in Miami, Florida. She offers her services online with people worldwide, in person with people who are located in Florida and travels regularly to lead seminars in Switzerland, Colombia, USA, and in the location of your choice. She practices outdoor sports regularly: skiing, swimming, paddleboarding, yoga, and her main hobby: kitesurfing. She began to practice yoga on stand up paddle board (sup) in 2009. The connection between yoga and the elements of nature gives me the chance to apply the philosophy, practices and teachings in a holistic way. She leads seminars and specific trainings for yoga on sup, on yoga watermat®, as well as teacher training for DHARMI-Yoga® She is the author of three books about the Map for holistic development, manuals for yoga on sup, and yoga watermat. She also produced instructional videos.

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